Colorado Recovery’s psychiatrists evaluate outpatient clients with bipolar, schizophrenia and other serious mental illness as often as necessary, sometimes more often than once a week, to prescribe an effective medication regimen – a regimen which may vary from day to day depending on the current state of the illness. Those patients who are doing well may only see the psychiatrist once every few weeks or months.
Clients who have had a problem complying with treatment recommendations can attend our outpatient program seven days a week and receive their prescribed medications from the outpatient staff to ensure compliance.
Transitional Living and Outpatient clients receive daily medication management and monitoring by Q-MAP (Qualified Medication Administration Personnel) Certified Mental Health workers and Nurses. All medications are prescribed sensitively and in tune with the individual’s needs.
Each client is seen clinically as an individual who uniquely influences their own treatment recommendations due to their own needs and present state of illness. Many times Genetic Testing is recommended to help further clarify a clients’ predisposition to various medications which can be helpful to the psychiatrists in choosing which medication is a fit.
The psychiatrists at Colorado Recovery evaluate Outpatient clients as often as necessary, sometimes more often than once a week, to prescribe an effective medication regimen – a regimen which may vary from day to day depending on the current state of the illness. Bipolar and schizophrenia treatment is a priority in guiding our clients to recovery. Those Outpatients who are doing well may only see the psychiatrist once every few weeks or months. Clients who have had a problem complying with treatment recommendations can attend our Outpatient program five days a week with access to our on call clinicians.